
Follow up on the latest improvements andΒ updates.


You can now display different videos to audience segments based on screen width or if they're returning viewers! The best part: you can configure Vid Conditions
without re-embedding.
Please note, this feature is available exclusively to Pro+ plans.
What's New
Elevate your video strategy with our Vid Conditions feature, allowing you to deliver the right content to the right audience every time.
How to Use It
  1. Click Embed to open the Embed popup from the Vid Settings.
  1. Enable the Vid Conditions and set up simple IF/THEN rules to define the audience segments and corresponding video content.
  1. Set the video conditions of your choosing, either based on screen-width or if the viewer is returning.
  1. Publish: publish the conditions to apply them to your video.
  • 🎯 Targeted content: show different videos to different segments based on criteria like screen width or returning.
  • πŸš€ Enhanced viewer experience: ensure viewers see the most relevant content, improving engagement and conversion.
  • βœ… Simple integration: Vid Conditions lets you host multiple targeted videos under the regular video embed code. No need for custom CRM solutions either!
  • πŸ” Real-time switching: videos change instantly based on viewer conditions, ensuring a smooth experience.
We value your feedback! Please let us know what you think of these Vidalytics updates and how we can further improve your experience and aid in your video marketing efforts ;)
If you encounter any issues or need assistance with the redesigned app, please contact our support team at [email protected].
Enhanced Captions and AI Captions Generation
Introducing the newly enhanced captions and captions generation feature in the Vidalytics app, designed to make your videos more accessible and engaging.
What's New
  • AI-Powered Captions Generation:
    Automatically generate captions with our new AI technology, ensuring accuracy and saving you time.
  • Easy Caption Editing:
    Directly edit captions within the app for greater control over video accessibility and viewer experience.
  • Advanced Customization:
    Customize when you'd like the captions to be displayed, to further tailor viewer experience.
  • Device-Specific Settings:
    You can select different settings for mobile devices and desktop, allowing for control over when captions appear across various platforms.
How to Use It
  • Generating Captions:
    Simply upload your video and select "Generate Captions" to start the automated process.
  • Editing Captions:
    Access the captions editor from the Vid Settings page to make real-time adjustments.
  • Adjust Caption Settings:
    Customize how captions appear on different devices (mobile and desktop):
  • Improved Accessibility:
    Make your videos accessible to a broader audience.
  • Enhanced Viewer Engagement:
    Captions can help keep viewers engaged, especially in sound-sensitive environments.
  • Device Customization:
    Tailor caption settings to optimize viewing experiences on different devices, enhancing usability and viewer satisfaction.
Standard Closed Captions are available to all plans, and AI Captions are a Premium feature. Take a look at all our plans at and choose the one that best suits your business πŸ˜‰
If you encounter any issues or need assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected].
Introducing Global Play Gate: Simplify viewer experience by smartly eliminating redundancy on your play gates across all your videos, so your viewers are only requested to opt-in once.
With Global Play Gates enabled, if a viewer submits a Play Gate (doesn't skip it) on any of your videos, they will not see any other ones on the rest of the videos in your account.
How to Use It
Access the Global Play Gate feature from the Account Settings page in the web app.
Toggle the setting to enable or disable the global play gate across all videos in your account.
  • Streamlined Viewer Experience: Eliminate the need for viewers to opt into play gates individually, creating a seamless viewing journey. πŸš€
We value your feedback! Please let us know what you think of these Vidalytics updates and how we can further improve your experience and aid in your video marketing efforts πŸ˜‰
If you encounter any issues or need assistance with the redesigned app, please contact our support team at [email protected].
🎨 Vidalytics App Redesign
We're thrilled to announce our redesigned app! Featuring a modern and intuitive user interface that enhances your Vidalytics experience.
What's New
Redesigned Interface
The Vidalytics app has been redesigned from the ground up to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.
Streamlined Navigation: We've simplified the navigation to make it easier for you to access your videos, analytics, settings, and more.
Intuitive App Controls: We've updated our design system to provide you with consistent app controls throughout the app, so you don't even have to think about how you're getting things done inside your Vid Settings or Vids Stats pages.
How to Use It
Navigation: Use the sidebar menu to navigate between different sections of the app, such as Upload, My Vids, Analytics, Account Settings, and Help.
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Analytics + Vid Settings
These live in the same place as always – in your my Vids page.
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πŸ†• Focused Fullscreen
This feature enhances your viewing experience by allowing your viewers to watch videos in full browser window mode on desktop, and full screen mode on mobile devices mode without any distractions.
With Focused Fullscreen, your video won't take control of the whole device screen on desktop, but rather the browser window, and it'll keep the Vidalytics controls on mobile fullscreen.
How to Use It
To activate Focused Fullscreen, simply click on the fullscreen button in the video player. You can choose to enable this feature for mobile and desktop separately.
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Enhanced Focus: Focused Fullscreen helps you concentrate on the video content without any distractions.
Improved Immersion: By filling your browser window with the video, Focused Fullscreen provides a more immersive viewing experience, without taking control of the whole device screen on desktop, and without allowing iOS's native player to take over on mobile.
The Focused Fullscreen feature is available to all plans, and supported on all modern browsers and devices.
Note: Some adjustments to your HTML / CSS might be needed for Focused Fullscreen to work as expected on your site, so please review your live sites after turning this feature on, and before sending any traffic to them.
πŸ”„ New Integrations with Segment and ActiveCampaign
These integrations allow you to seamlessly connect your Vidalytics account with these popular platforms, enabling you to streamline your video marketing efforts and enhance your audience engagement.
Integration with Segment
What is Segment
Segment is a customer data platform that helps you collect, clean, and control your customer data.
How it Works
With the Vidalytics integration, you can send video engagement data from Vidalytics to Segment, allowing you to track and analyze how users interact with your videos across different channels.
Integration with ActiveCampaign
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What is ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign is a customer experience automation platform that helps you engage with your audience through email marketing, marketing automation, and CRM tools.
How it Works
The Vidalytics integration with ActiveCampaign allows you to automatically add leads to your ActiveCampaign account based on their interactions with your videos in Vidalytics.
How to Set Up the Integrations
To set up the integration with Segment and / or ActiveCampaign, simply log in to your Vidalytics account, navigate to the Integrations page, find the Segment / ActiveCampaign integration cards and follow the on-screen instructions to connect your account.
The integrations with Segment and ActiveCampaign are compatible with all paid Vidalytics plans.
πŸ“ˆ Improvement: SmartVids Merges and Loops
You are now able to set up merges and loops inside Vidalytics Interactive Smart Vids!
How to Use Merges
Merges allow users to seamlessly integrate multiple videos into the same branch within their interactive content. By merging videos, you can lead two branches to the same final branch. This means you can provide a more cohesive narrative or offer diverse perspectives, keeping viewers engaged.
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How to Use Loops
With Loops, users can now guide their viewers back to a previous branch within their interactive videos. This allows for a more dynamic and customizable viewing experience, enabling creators to revisit specific content segments based on viewer choices or preferences.
  • Enhanced Interactivity:
Both Loops and Merges empower creators to craft more engaging and immersive interactive videos. Viewers can navigate through different storylines or perspectives, ensuring a personalized experience that aligns with their interests.
  • Improved Content Flow:
Loops allow creators to loop back to key points in the narrative, reinforcing concepts or offering additional context without interrupting the overall flow of the video. Merges seamlessly integrate multiple videos, maintaining continuity and coherence within the content.
  • Flexible Storytelling:
With Loops and Merges, creators have greater flexibility in storytelling. They can experiment with different narrative structures, explore various outcomes, and cater to the preferences of their audience, leading to more dynamic and captivating content.
Note: Keep in mind that, for now, merges and loops won't create duplicates of your original videos, so this will have an impact on how you should read your individual video stats, always keeping under consideration that some viewers might come through a linear path, whereas others will come from a loop or merge.
ℹ️ Reminder!
As you may know, we have both a
Player API
and an
Our Backend Player API allows users full control over the player and customization of its behavior.
You can view our related Player Docs here!
The Public API provides access to platform functionalities such as uploading and deleting videos or folders, and pulling video statistics.
We value your feedback! Please let us know what you think of these Vidalytics updates and how we can further improve your experience and aid in your video marketing efforts ;)
If you encounter any issues or need assistance with the redesigned app, please contact our support team at [email protected].
You can now pass Tags and Play Gates information to High Level, and trigger campaigns, automations, and manage your leads based on actions taken inside your Vidalytics' videos.
Streamline your sales processes, optimize conversions, set up intentional retargeting campaigns and personalize marketing outreach with this powerful integration.
To learn more, check our documentation on how to set it up here.
Happy selling!
You now have access to our new player in your Vidalytics dashboard (yay!)
It is much leaner, meaner and converts better in all the testing we’ve done so far.
Some improvements we've seen with it:
  • Faster startup times. We're seeing a
    30% decrease in startup time,
    which will directly increase your conversions.
  • Better video quality
    because of its improved adaptability for β€œon the fly” internet speed changes (especially good on lower resolutions)
  • Higher compatibility with all Apple devices (we used core Apple technology in our media engine)
  • Resolution adapts faster
    , starting on the 4th second of your video. So, even if your video starts up in low quality, you will experience the highest resolution on a good connection after the first 3-4 seconds.
How to enable the new player for your videos:
Go to your My Vids page.
Find the New Player toggle to the right of your Vids list.
Toggle it on (the toggle will turn blue). That's it!
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You can toggle it on / off for any videos in your account. :)
No republishing is needed
, but be aware it takes up to 15 minutes for this switch to take effect on your website. ;)
Note: the new player will be less supported by iOS before its 11.2 version (iOS 11.2's is no longer supported by Apple).
In the coming months we’re going to transition all videos to the new player, but we want to give you enough time to test it out for yourself and adjust player code customizations, if you have any. If you have these, you’ll need to make sure they work by the final switch date of
January 31st, 2024,
after which you won’t be able to use our existing player anymore.
SSO Login
You can now use your Google or Microsoft accounts to log into Vidalytics. When creating a new account, simply choose either one of them and enter your current login details to create a Vidalytics account.
No more having to remember new passwords! πŸ˜‰
Video Startup Quality Selection
Select how you'd like your video to start playing. As fast as possible in a lower quality to catch your viewer sooner? Or are you not super concerned with speed for a specific video and you'd like to give your viewer a crisper image, even if they have to wait a bit?
Now you can select how your video starts up from the Vid Settings page. Simply go to the Play Options section and select an option under 'Video Startup Quality'.
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If you're not sure, we recommend sticking to the 'Auto' option, which will always play the best resolution possible for the video to play fast, given the viewer's internet speed.
Note: this feature relates only to
quality. After the initial seconds, your video will fall back to using our adaptive bitrate streaming and will play as normally.
πŸ†™ Improvements
  • CTAs: Show to returning viewers
We have added an option to the CTA feature to show the CTA to a returning viewer ONLY if the viewer reached the CTA time during their previous session (and, therefore, saw the CTA before).
You can find and enable the new option in each individual CTA, under
Show to returning viewers > Only When Triggered Before
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  • Restricting closed caption file types
To prevent any friction when using our closed captions feature, we restricted the accepted file types to be only .vtt, .scc and .srt
  • Smart Vids choices sent to Hubspot
You can now pass Smart Vids selections as contact activity to HubSpot. This way, you can trigger specific email campaigns based on what your user has selected while interacting with your Smart Vid.
The choices work the same way as current Play Gates or Tags are being sent to HubSpot, so there's nothing new to learn if you're already familiar with those. Just make sure your integration is turned on πŸ˜‰
To learn more about the HubSpot integration, go here.
πŸ› Bug Fixes
  • In the past, viewers that came to your website a second time to watch a brand new video, were treated as returning viewers. We have fixed this, so returning viewers are only counted if they're watching the same video, and they're not tied to the domain at all.
Your upload experience inside Vidalytics just got an upgrade!
Upload Files Via Drive and Dropbox
You can now bring your videos to Vidalytics straight from one of these third party services.
Simply go to the Upload page and select the one you'd like to use.
Once you've selected it, you'll be prompted to give Vidalytics access to import your videos. Grant Vidalytics permission to bring the files over, and you're set. It's that easy! 🌈
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Upload Videos Directly Into Folders
You can now upload your videos straight into folders, so you can stay organized even before going to your My Vids page.
After your videos are done uploading, simply select them from the uploads list, and add them to an already existing folder, or create a new folder for them, all without leaving the upload page!
Once you make your way to the My Vids page to make any edits, all your videos will be stored where they belong πŸ˜‰
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Skip /Β Rewind with Keyboard Arrows
Your users have been able to use their keyboard arrows to skip and rewind for a while now, but this was only possible when there was a seeking bar present.
To make this feature more flexible to you, we have added the option to also enable these fast forward / rewind actions when there's no seeking bar at all.
The option is turned off bu default, so if you want to enable it, please head over to your Vid Settings page, open the Style section, and click on the 'Skip / Rewind with Keyboard Arrows' option.
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Note: the keyboard arrows will still work by default when the seeking bar is present. This option will make them work also when there's no seeking bar visible. This feature does not work with the Rapid Engage Bar.
Interactive videos are here! πŸ§ πŸ’‘
You can now use "choose-your-own-adventure"-type videos inside of Vidalytics to segment your viewers and give them a sense of control over what they are watching.
Create as many branches as you want, and use them to target your message to the right audience.
With this feature you'll be able to:
  • Add button choices on top of your video as buttons
  • Add clickable areas defined by you on the video itself, in case your video recording has images to choose from already
  • Have up to four choices your viewers can select to go to a different branch in your messaging that connects with them
  • Display your options at the end of the video, or in the middle of it as it keeps playing
  • Choose how much time your viewers have to select an option (or not!)
  • Choose from different countdown timer styles to tell them how much time they have left to choose
  • Have a default video play in case they don't select any of the options you provide, so they are never stuck for too long
  • Give them the chance to jump back to the previous step to change their answer, or to the very beginning of their journey to start over!
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This feature is now available to users on the Premium plan or above, and accessible here.
This one is all about stats πŸ€“
URL Parameters
You can now see URL Parameters as a Stats segment.
Simply go to your stats page and click on URL Tracking on the sidebar. It'll open up a dropdown from which you can choose the specific URL parameter that you want to visualize on the table.
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Your table will then apply the segment, and show you all the values for the specific parameter on the table and the player!
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Unmute Rate
Another addition to the stats page is the highly requested
Unmute Rate
. You can see it now in your main metrics below the video.
With this new piece of data, you can see what percentage of your visitors are deciding to interact with your video πŸ˜‰
If your unmute rate is a bit low for your taste, you can try a new thumbnail or first few seconds of the video to grab your visitors' attention and prompt them to play!
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